Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Homeschool Family

Well, with all that talk about homeschooling, I came across a very "insightful" video about what your basic homeschool family might look like....please know that this is totally a joke and in no way am I making fun of people that homeschool - because as you know I have considered it as an option for my family!!


Matt Walls said...

I promise you that I will never be the dorky dad!

Robin said...

Unfortunately, I think it may be too late!!!
Just kidding babe - You are a SUPER COOL dad:)

VJ said...

This video is making the home school rounds. I homeschool - and I love this clip it is such a parady! You've considered homeschooling? If you have questions I'll do my best to answer them.

Leigh said...

Whatayamean homeshcoolers never go to Hooters?! Now that's education, not a bubble! ;)