Saturday, August 23, 2008

Where's that stinkin' hairbrush?

That dang hairbrush....this little contraption has caused me so much grief. I know you are thinking I am crazy, but I seriously get sooooo angry in the mornings when I am looking all over this house for Kenzie's hairbrush. It seems like it happens at least five mornings a week. It goes a little something like this...

We have about 10 minutes left before we have to go. Everything and everyone is all ready to go except I need to brush Kenzie's hair. So, I look on the desk where I always put the brush when I am done and of course, it is not there. I then proceed to start asking every kid if they have seen/used the brush that morning. And without fail, no one has seen it anywhere. (I am convinced my kids are playing mind games with me and they hide it in the strangest places just to see me lose my testimony!) I then start to frantically search all over the place (in couch cushions, under the desk, in all the bedrooms...) and I usually cannot find it anywhere. I then tell Kenzie (out of frustration) that she just won't be able to go to church/school/soccer because I cannot find the brush and she CANNOT leave the house with her hair looking like such a complete mess. She then gets upset and I am already upset and one of two things usually happens. I either find the brush or I "invent" a way to fix her hair....For instance, today, I just took a hair clip (the kind that opens up and has teeth in the middle) and I tried to comb what I could with that and then I kinda grabbed all the hair and pulled it up into a messy little ball. It looked kinda cute but trust me, it was such a mess underneath the "cover-up."

Anyways, I am so tired of losing my religion each day over this brush. I know you think I am being a little overly dramatic, but I seriously get so frustrated almost on a daily basis because I cannot find a hairbrush anywhere. I think Kenzie probably actually gets nervous (so does the whole family) when they realize the brush is missing and I am fixing to go off the deep end looking for it. So, I am off to Walmart to buy a new brush (think maybe I should buy like 3 or 4....) and I swear this time I will NOT lose this one!! Yeah right, I will be a frantic mess in the morning before church because of a silly hairbrush.....ah, the joys of motherhood!!!


Andrea said...

ok, here's my thought on the hair brush thing...put it in a place where you know where it is!!! haha jk

make a special basket for it or put it in your bathroom or something. if you did buy more than one, keep the other one's in your bathroom.

sorry you're going through such a difficult time.

love you!!!! :-)

Just Jaimie said...

That reminds me of Beth Moore. She said her daughters always stole her brush, so she attached a string to it and tied it into her drawer. Ha!!! But then one morning the string was cut nd her brush was missing again!