Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stating the Obvious

So, I knew it was coming sooner or later, but I had to have the "fat" conversation with Brody. We were at Target and there was a very obese lady and so, of course, Brody comments on how fat she is. Well, I proceed to tell him that it is not nice to call someone fat. He then says - like any 3 year old would - "But, she is fat, mom." I tell him that I realize this but it is still not nice to comment on how big other people may be. He goes on the tell me, "Just look at her tummy, it is so big...." Ok, so I realize I am fighting a losing battle and decide to continue this "lesson" another time....Hopefully, in the privacy of our own home and not when he shouts out that someone has a huge tummy or even worse, a huge booty (cause we all know that is a favorite word of most normal 3 year olds)!!!


Rachel said...

At least he didn't do to you what my Mother reminds me of that I did to her. I pointed to an overweight lady and shouted "Mom, that's the fattest person I've ever seen!" Gotta enjoy motherhood!

Gina said...

Oh my. I am dreading one of these moments. Did the lady hear?

Robin said...

No - thankfully, she did not hear. I just remembered today about a time when we had an very large man at our house eating supper and he leaned back and broke our dining room chair and I proceeded to tell him that if he did not eat so much and was not so fat, he would not have broken the chair. I think my parents were mortified, to say the least! I guess maybe we have all had our moments!