Friday, September 12, 2008

So, I was trying to get ready in my bathroom this morning and I kept getting really frustrated....all because of a really cute (but really curious) one year old. That's right, Kassidy was getting into everything!! First, it was the toliet bowl cleaner brush thingie....she kept grabbing it, then I would yell, "No, that is yucky!" I would proceed to do what all the experts tell me to do - remove her from the situation & distract her BUT she would go right back to the toliet brush and we would start back at square one. I always knew those so called experts did not have a clue :) :)

Then, she moved on to the trash can. She dumped the whole thing out on the floor before I could get to her. Once again, I informed her how disgusting that was and politely asked her to please leave everything that she is not supposed to mess with alone! Well, that approach did not work either. Because she simply moved onto the cabinets. She pulled out all my hand soaps and then starting throwing random stuff on the floor. By this point I found myself raising my voice and getting really flustered. Finally, when she grabbed my hot flat iron and threw it on the floor, I decided I was done getting ready (no matter what I looked like) and we got out of there.

What is funny about this whole scenario is that it was only like 5 minutes from start to finish. She came into that bathroom like a raging tornado and left the same kind of destruction that a tornado would leave. But she is so cute and so much fun right now. I love my Curious Little Kassidy!!

1 comment:

Gina said...

she really is cute.