Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One of "those" days

Well, Matt informed me that I have not been doing a good job of keeping my blog updated. My response to him was that I am sure the 2 people that actually read it are not that disappointed. I am sure you can tell that comment was soaked in sarcasm. I am finally back to blog because I have had one of "those" days and I need to use my blog as a way to vent - so, readers, beware!!

It is funny because my day has not actually been that bad. It started with a trip to Walmart (with 3 of my kids) - which I know sounds like a really dumb idea to most people, but the trip went suprisingly well. It was pretty uneventful, except for when Kassidy decided to grab a whole container of strawberries out of the back of the shopping cart and dump them out...I turned around to find her covered in strawberry drool, with most of a large strawberry stuffed in her mouth.

But, once I got home, it just seemed like everything (and everybody) was getting on my last nerve. I can't really pinpoint what exactly pushed me over the edge, but I am sure Brody's constant whining for a snack and Kassidy's need to pull anything and everything out of my kitchen cabinets was not helping the situation. I was trying to actually cook supper (those of you that know me are probably in shock right now) and the kids were just being kids, but for some reason, today I let it get to me. Then, when supper was finally over, everyone jetted out of the kitchen to go watch tv and play on the computer and I was left to clean up all the mess and do all the dishes. Which, on any other day, probably would not have been such a big deal, but today, it made my blood boil!!

So, I went and put my running shoes on and hit the pavement. For me, that is the absolute best thing I can do when I am at my breaking point. It always makes me feel better and I always come home feeling so refreshed and usually with a whole new perspective on the situation. I ended up running four miles, and that alone makes me feel like I accomplished something really good today. Exercise is definitely the best medicine for me!!

1 comment:

Gina said...

I wish I didn't detest running. Maybe someday I will develop a love for it. Because I sure can relate to the day you just described and it would be nice to have something like that to diffuse my temper.
Good for you Forest!