Sunday, October 26, 2008

He said what????

Brody just had one of his "classic" moments and I had to share it with you guys. I am trying to teach him his verses for Cubbies (Awana) and he was having a little trouble understanding the words. The verse was "and Jesus grew in wisdom..." But, Brody was repeating..."And Jesus was dumb." At first, I was upset and getting ready to correct him for saying that, but Micah said, "You know, mom, wisdom really does sound like "was dumb"....and, he was right. Poor Brody - I hope he gets it right tonight at class. I don't think his teacher will think it is very cute if he keeps saying the Jesus was dumb!

1 comment:

Jennifer Tucker said...

That's funny! It just goes to show that children don't always hear and understand things the way we say them. Our workshop Saturday focused a lot on this exact point, and I sometimes wonder how effective scripture memory is if the kids don't even understand what they're saying..."wisdom" isn't exactly a common word in a 3- or 4-year-old's vocabulary...but I will get off that soap box before I say too much... ;)