Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Well, my baby girl turns "1" tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. At this time last year, I was at the movies (Spiderman 3, to be exact) with my hubby and I kept telling him that I felt kinda weird and I was having a few contractions. Of course, he said the movie was just too intense for me and I should close my eyes during the scary parts. (Does that sound like a man or what?) Even on the way home from the movies, I told him that I really felt like it was time and he said I was just stressing out and to relax. For some reason, he just refused to believe that I could be in labor 11 days before my due date. He even went to bed when we got home and told me to wake him up if I needed him - but I think he said "Good night - see you in the morning, babe" - in other words, "You are a big faker and I know you are not really in labor."

He got to sleep for about 30 minutes and I woke him up with my bags packed and told him it was time to hit the road. We left the house and I asked him to swing by his parents to get their camcorder, but he said that if it ended up being "time" and they actually kept me at the hospital, he would run back out and get it. I think it was at that point that I gave him "the look" and he said "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to run by their house really quick..." He said he really did not believe it was for real until I started screaming & crying and the nurse confirmed that this was the "real thing." I still give him a hard time for not believing me - I mean, it was my fourth baby...did he honestly think that I still did not know what it feels like to be in labor?? Anyway, Kassidy Beth was born on June 11th at 4:02am and she was, and still is a sweet, gorgeous baby girl. She brings so much joy to us. We had never planned on having four kids, but now we could not even imagine our lives without her. She was a big surprise...but a huge blessing from God. I know that God knew exactly what would make our family complete...2 boys and 2 girls. Having a large family really is a blessing!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

you need to blow up this picture and put it somewhere...it's perfect!!!