Thursday, February 5, 2009

There really is no place like home

So, Matt gets a call from the school on Wednesday that we need to come pick Kenzie up because she has been crying on & off for the past hour and she really wants to come home.....totally unlike Kenzie...but, the teacher proceeds to inform him that there was a "tornado drill" and Matt pretty much stopped her mid-sentence and said, "Say no more....I will come pick her up ASAP." You see, Kenzie has an unhealthy fear of anything related to a tornado....whether it be wind, heavy rain, dark clouds, or, as we just recently discovered, a tornado drill. She read a book once about a tornado and it told how many people died during the storm - ever since then, she has been scared to death of being invovled in a tornado.

Anyway, Matt went to the school and picked her up - with her big, swollen eyes and her tear-stained cheeks. She was still crying - very shaken and visibly upset. On the way home, she told Matt that she had missed the "drill" part of the whole announcement - you see, she thought it was an actual tornado & it scared the daylights out of her. I really did not know that there would be a tornado drill - I felt really bad for her - seriously, she was living out her worst poor baby!

So, it may take a few days (or few years) for her to recover from this experience, but at least she actually slept last night and seems to be getting back to her happy-go-lucky self.....And, just in case you were wondering - she WILL not be seeing the Wizard of Oz - EVER!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Billy Price said...

She is so blessed to have loving parents...Mom